Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Get more done in less time!

How many of us would leave on a journey without having found out where we are going or considered the route we are going to take? I would imagine that most of the time, we check our destination, get a map or route planner and find the most efficient route of getting there before we leave the house!? However so many of us do not take this approach when we have ideas, goals or tasks to undertake. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm and we can end  up taking the longest way round, or stopping all together when we are not getting the results we crave! How can this be changed? These simple steps before starting out on a goal or task can support us in becoming more effective in an ever more pressurised world:
1.       Start with the end in mind:
What do you want to have achieved and when? If you could fast forward and your task is complete or your goal achieved, what is happening for you that tells you it is a success? When we consider the final destination this not only helps us identify how to get there, but supports our motivation for taking action at all.
2.       Establish why you want to do something:
What will completing that task, achieving that goal give you? How will you feel, how will your life be different? With bigger goals really take the time to visualise your success and attach emotion to it. Knowing it might be a good thing to start that business or it could feel good to be fitter is too vague. Be specific and be passionate!
3.       Identify the one thing that would make the biggest difference to your success:
What has got in the way before and how can you remove this obstacle? If you want to be more effective in the workplace, consider what one thing you could do to make a start! Would getting in 30 minutes earlier make the biggest difference, or writing that list so you know where you are heading?
4.       Track your progress:
Having considered your motivation, what your starting point is and where you are heading, how will you make sure you are on track? Set in review dates with yourself to consider how far you have come, reward successes and change course if things are not going well. If you did take a wrong turn on a journey would you stop there?! Re-visit the final destination and get back on track!
5.       Reward Success!!!!
When you do arrive, your task is completed, your goal achieved, what will you do to celebrate?! This may vary depending on the size of the goal however small milestone success should be celebrated. Having dinner with a friend, booking in that treatment or just having a cup of coffee out of your favourite mug in peace allows you to sit back and notice the positives….enjoy!!!