Sunday, 28 August 2011

Born to Run...?

During Christmas 2010  I opened a book called ‘Born to Run’ by Christopher McDougall; I think it was supposed to be an amusing or inspirational gift as I am not what you might call a ‘natural runner’. With the busy months going by I finally got to the reach for this book on a summer break and found a passage that I wanted to share…

The book itself is an exploration of the Tarahumara Indians, ‘the world’s greatest distance runners’ who can literally run for hundreds of miles without rest and be enjoying themselves at the same time. A running coach, ‘Vigil’ is at a long distance running event having spent years studying the ways to improve people’s running ability. He has discovered something new and is sharing it with his runners:

“There are two goddesses in your heart, The Goddess of Wisdom and the Goddess of Wealth. Everyone thinks they need to get wealth first, and wisdom will come.  So they concern themselves with chasing money. But they have it backwards. You have to give your heart to the Goddess of Wisdom, give her all your love and attention, and the Goddesses of Wealth will become jealous, and follow you”.

In this context, Coach Vigil says ‘ask nothing from your running, and you’ll get more than you imagined’. I got to thinking about how true this is! How much better is life when you are spending time on things you love to do? How much better at it are you?! I wondered how many miles I could go for if I began to love running…

With this in mind, ask yourself these questions when making decisions about your career or business:

·         How much better would I perform if I LOVED what I was doing?

·         How much more successful would I be if I LOVED what I was doing?

·         How much further could I travel if I LOVED what I was doing?

·         How much more enjoyable would work be if I LOVED what I was doing?

You might have grown up believing that work had to be ‘hard’, ‘difficult’ or ‘exhausting’ if you were to truly deserve success, wealth and happiness… think about the above and see how it could work for you!