Do you have a big decision to make in your career? Are you held back because you fear something about your chosen future? Perhaps you fear failure, or even worry about success. Whatever it is that is holding you back, take time out to really thrash around your worst case scenario and acknowledge your biggest fears. This can be truly liberating! (and daunting all at once).
When we try to ignore our fears, they do not go away. Fear is an emotion and like any emotion it is sending you a message and trying to protect you. It will only knock louder waiting to be heard if you continue to shut it out. We cannot eradicate our fears and they actually often have a positive intention, asking us to consider our options and keep us safe. When we recognise our ability to deal with that ‘worst case scenario’ and that which we fear most of all, we can feel empowered into moving forwards.
Consider for a moment the decision you have to make, or the progression you dare to seek.
If you made that decision what is the worst thing that could happen? What would this worst case scenario look like? What would you be doing? What would others around you being doing?
Now consider how likely this is to occur in reality?
What of the following do you have that will help ensure that you don’t get to that worst case scenario? (make a list by each item)
- Knowledge/skills
- Strengths
- Support
If there are gaps in your resources, how can you fill those before you take that next big step? What steps would you take if you did find yourself in that position?
When you have really thought about the worst possible outcome and put measures in place to minimise the risk of actually ever getting to that point, how do you feel? By beginning to answer some of these questions, you are taking a step closer to achieving your goals. When you know you can handle anything, there is nothing to get in your way!
(To really kick that fear habit, I recommend 'Feel the fear and do it anyway' by Susan Jeffers)
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